Support Us
You Can Make a Difference
In order to continue to provide opportunities to education and train our emerging cooperative leaders, we continue to seek contributions to the Foundation. There are a number of ways to contribute, which include:
Consider a one time donation to the Ralph K. Morris Foundation in support of Ralph K Morris, Rod Nilsestuen, Tom Lyon, Louis Doering, or any of our past scholarship recipients.
Consider an annual gift in any amount to help support the Ralph K. Morris Foundation.
Consider the Ralph K. Morris Foundation as part of your estate plan. You can arrange planned giving through a bequest in your will, Insurance (leaving the Foundation as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy), charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, or gift annuities where the donor receives income from the annuity.
If your organization would like to support emerging cooperative leaders, please consider an organizational sponsorship or grant to the Ralph K. Morris Foundation.
All of the contributions received will be used for the endowment and operation of the Foundation. The Foundation accepts check, money order, gift of stock or other securities, and credit cards.
If interested in discussing any giving alternatives, please contact William J. Nelson, Chair, at
MAIL YOUR DONATION to: Ralph K. Morris Foundation, 5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 700, Minneapolis, MN 55416 or click on the button below to donate online via credit card. ​
Gifts are expected to be deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. The Ralph K. Morris Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with principal offices located in Minneapolis, MN.